Wednesday, August 6, 2014



I seek Your face -
more than Your hand.
I long for Your presence -
More than Your miracles.
I need Your love -
more than Your power.
Your steadfast accompaniment -
more than any other demonstration.

O God, Your nearness is my good!
Your closeness, my salvation.
I live to be with You
and to show You off to those around me.

If You grant signs & wonders -
open up seas, float bread from heaven,
heal the sick & open blind eyes -
I will praise You for Your mighty deeds!
But I will not worship the signs - or demand -
these wonders from You.
You are enough.

 I know Your works flow from who You are.
They are, in some mysterious way, inseparable
from Your very character.
You are the God of both the
Old & New Testaments.
But right now You are the God of my today -
And You are writing my testament,
My book.

I long for it to be said
that I sought Your face,
That Your presence was my highest good.
I would love for it also to be said
that there were many colors,
many wonders, many signs
That flowed from the Presence in me.
But that is Yours to write.

I seek Your face -
more than Your hand.
But both are with me.

Photo by:  Moyan Brenn


  1. Thank you. So often when I am restless or needy I go out to eat, to shop, to try to fill a need -- when what I really needed was to be in the sunshine -- JUST OUT IN IT.

    He himself, that is what my soul longs for... not His hands or the works of His hands.

    His Face.

    Thank you.

  2. Yes, his face, his presence, fills all...
