Tuesday, January 28, 2014


(A mother's reflections as we wait for final test results 
on some suspicious cancerous cells.)

Such joy & sorrow mingle down,*
entwined together as holy friends.
My heart whispers trust,
but my body trembles.
Love grabs at me when I look at her...
...she is beautiful & precious to me.

The questions around her health 
fill me with a certain pain,
Yet the beauty of her spirit
is sweetness.

The need for healing, for intervention
create space for a miracle -
the one in her,
the one in me,
the one that everyone around us needs.

This need is making room for Him,
causing a deeper leaning.
On the One who is Life,
On the One who is Love,
On the One who is Good.

Healing is in His hands
as is wholeness of heart.
We stand together on this truth
and throw ourselves into His arms -
the arms of One who knows fully
how joy & sorrow mingle down
as holy friends.

Yes, we wait quietly in that place
with these sacred companions.

*Reminiscent of the line from the hymn When I Survey:
"Sorrow and love flow mingled down..."
by Isaac Watts

Photo by:  Valstar2011

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